What is an Endocrinologist?

An endocrinologist is an expert in hormones. In other words they are a specialist medical practitioner able to diagnose and treat disorders of the endocrine glands. This includes thyroid, pituitary, adrenal and bone disorders, diabetes as well as any conditions requiring hormone replacement or monitoring. To become an endocrinologist you must complete medical school, internship, physician training and then be selected for advanced training in endocrinology (~13 years of training in total).

How do I book an appointment?

How can I prepare for my appointment?

  • Please send through a current referral from your GP or specialist prior to your appointment or bring on the day

  • Have your Medicare as well as any DVA/pension cards

  • Please bring any relevant information (blood results, scan reports, current medication list, diabetes technology downloads)

  • Face to face appointments: please arrive a few minutes early to check in and update any details

  • Telehealth appointments: please log into the virtual waiting room via the link provided to you

What does a consultation cost?

  • This is a private billing practice meaning there is an out of pocket fee payable to the clinic on the day of consultation.

  • The Medicare rebate can be processed on your behalf and automatically deposited into your bank account within 1-2 business days (into the bank account you have nominated with medicare)

  • Please note our fees are lower than the AMA recommended fees list, see general fee guide below

    Initial appointment: (45 mins)

    The fee is dependent on the Medicare item number 

    ·       Either $415 upfront with Medicare Rebate of $259.40

    ·       Or $310 upfront with Medicare Rebate of $148.35

     Either way your out-of-pocket amount is $161


    Review appointments: (15-30 mins)

    The fee is dependent on the Medicare item number 

    ·       Either $220.00 upfront with Medicare Rebate of $129.90

    ·       Or $165 upfront with Medicare Rebate of $74.25

    Either way your out-of-pocket amount is: $91

    Updated referrals

    Please note often an updated GP referral is required every 12 months for your to continue to receive the full medicare rebate. In these circumstances the upfront fee may vary but either way your out-of-pocket amount will remain $91

Useful Resources and Information

Trans and gender diverse health

Initiation of gender-affirming hormone therapy

  • We endeavor to make you feel comfortable through every step of the process

  • Support people are always welcome to attend the consultation with you

  • Please note that if you are seeking initiation of gender-affirming hormone therapy

    • There are some instance where the ‘informed consent model’ may be suitable and some circumstances where a specialist mental health practitioner (psychologist or psychiatrist) for ‘WPATH assessment’ may be suitable.

    • Gender-affirming hormone therapy is generally not prescribed during the initial consultation as a thorough medical review is undertaken, a comprehensive blood test arranged and written information provided

    • Please note that invasive/ genital examinations are NOT part of the routine medical assessment.

Continuation of gender-affirming hormone therapy

  • For those already on established hormone therapy, a thorough medical review is completed and a blood test may be needed but usually a prescription can be provided during the first consultation

Alternative options for those seeking a Bulk Billed Gender Clinic

  • This is a private billing practice meaning there is an out of pocket fee payable to the clinic on the day of consultation

  • If you require a bulk billed service please discuss with your GP so that they can arrange a referral to one of the bulk billed services in Melbourne (options include Austin Health Gender Clinic in Heidelberg or Monash Gender Service in Clayton).

Trans Health Research

TRANSform- a longitudinal trans-led Australian research survey


La Trobe University Communication (Voice Training) Clinic

Equinox Gender Diverse Health Centre Informed Consent Guidelines

Updating gender details with Australian Passport Office

Updating gender details with Department of Human Services/ medicare

Bone health

Healthy Bones Australia (formerly Osteoporosis Australia)

What you need to know about Osteoporosis


Vitamin D and Bone Health

Calcium and Bone Health

Exercise and Bone Health

Medicines and Bone Health


Diabetes Australia


Thyroid Foundation

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Jean Hailes PCOS


Jean Hailes Menopause

Men’s health/hypogonadism (low testosterone)

Andrology Australia

Osteoporosis in Men

Weight Management

Australian Dietary Guidelines

Australian Guide to Healthy Eating